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Home workouts all start with the ground you're walking (and sweating) on.
Thanks to recent years' events, a home training space is not just a luxury for the r
April Fools Day gags also include soil-powered lightbulbs for your garden, a meta-toilet and a new bread-scented room diffuser
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April Fool! It's the day of the year when fake news is celebrated
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Punctures are annoying but we have some tips and tricks to help you deal with them as painlessly as possible and to get you out of a scrape if you’re really desperate.
Puncture repair — learn how to fix a tube
We all know the b
DALLAS – Airport runway materials must be exceptionally strong to withstand the pressure of aircraft takeoffs and landings, plus years of frequent use.
Before heavier airplanes from the late 1930s onward became the norm, runways were often made of grass and were relatively short,
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An aerial view of the proposed amphitheater at the West Harbor waterfront development in San Pedro. (Studio111 and architect Tucker Sadler)
A view from inside the proposed amphitheater and entertainmen
For three generations, the Morita family has been wrapping, stitching and trimming modular blocks of woven grass, known as tatami, in Tokyo's old downtown. But now, beset by cheap knockoffs and changing lifestyles, the craftsmen have been forced to up their game.
Besides traditional gras
Sometimes we forget how much there is to do right here at home! Whether you are looking for a few adventures around Atlanta or want to plan a full-on staycation, our fabulous city has a lot to offer. Check out our ideas for how to enjoy family adventures and time together in the metro area.
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America’s Steve Prefontaine leading the field in the final of the 5,000m at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Photograph: Getty Images
Angus my younger brother had his birthday on Wednesday, and we met up in Sandyford House for the usual. It was towards the end of the night when we
Your guide to a better future
Refinishing your garage? Don't forget the floor. Garage tiles can be a quick and easy way to make everything look like new.
Tim Stevens got his start writing professionally while still in school in the mid '90s, and since then has covered topics rangin